Dear Chamberlain Studios Families,
I am writing to you all because I value your membership in the community that we have built here at Chamberlain Studios. Next year is our 40 year anniversary, and I have every intention of being here and celebrating that with you as we continue to bring you the best in martial arts training. I ask that you continue to keep us and other small businesses in mind during this challenging time. We will all get through this together and come out the other side.
I started Chamberlain Studios when I was 18 years old, and have invested all my energy & resources into it ever since. This crisis is taking a heavy toll on small businesses throughout the country, us included, as we are all quarantined in our homes and restricted in our activities.
Because I value each and every student, we are providing new resources and programs to your memberships, not just for now, but moving into the future as well.
These resources include:
- Online live-streaming of classes for those who want to stay home during this crisis.
- Archived recordings of these classes for you to use at your convenience.
- New short instructional videos to assist parents & students with monthly striping requirements.
- Interactive private lessons offered as a live-streaming class with our black belt instructors.
Thank you for supporting me and my instructors during this difficult time. I hope you and your family are safe and secure; good luck with your continued training!
Dr. Nick Chamberlain
Introducing Video Karate Classes!
With the City of Dallas requiring restaurants, gyms, and other businesses to close down for the next 7 days, Chamberlain Studios is taking this opportunity to launch our online training THIS WEDNESDAY (3/18) to continue serving our wonderful students and families!
We hope you will join us for these online classes! In order to participate in class you will need to download the FREE ZOOM app. Classes may be viewed on cell phone, mobile devices or laptops (all platforms)!
Tuesdays newsletter will contain the links for the classes beginning on Wednesday.
We will also be recording each class and archiving them, so if you can’t make the LIVE feed, no worries! You can watch it at a later time that’s more convenient for your schedule, or just take the class again. These videos will be made available via our YouTube channel which is: ChamberlainKarate.
Schools Are Closed? Come to Camp!
When the City of Dallas allows our facility to reopen in one week, Chamberlain Studios will remain open for our families, while schools are closed.
We will offer full day camps so your children have something safe, productive and fun to do while schools are closed!
Chamberlain Studios prides itself on maintaining some of the best martial arts training facilities to be found anywhere. We would like to remind you about our continuing efforts to maintain a healthy environment for our students. Some of these practices include:
- Ongoing DAILY cleaning & sanitization of training areas, waiting areas, bathrooms & equipment.
- Frequent sanitization of training equipment and surfaces utilizing the high-grade hospital cleaner “KenClean”. This is typically performed 2-3 times per week, but during camps, this is done on a daily basis. We have placed additional hand sanitizers throughout the dojo facilities.
- Upon arrival to camp, all students will be checked for a fever. Any student with a temperature over 99.9 will be sent home.
- Any student who appears sick (runny nose, coughing, etc), will not be permitted in camp or class that day.
- Instructors will ensure students wash hands frequently throughout the day, as well as sanitizing before entering and after leaving the mat.
- If your child is sick with flu-like symptoms, please skip class until they are well.
- If you or someone you are in close contact with have recently traveled to one of the countries with large outbreaks of COVID-19 (China, Italy, Iran, South Korea) or if you have been exposed to someone else who was diagnosed with COVID-19 or who was quarantined as a precaution, wait 14 days until you return to class to make sure you have not contracted the coronavirus.
Please understand that, while your child might just be suffering from seasonal allergies, if it looks like they are sick, they will be sent home.
It is important to know that the majority of people infected with the coronavirus experience flu-like symptoms and then recover. Most people do not develop serious respiratory complications. Those most at risk of becoming seriously ill are elderly people and those with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease, among others.
Children, thus far, have been largely unaffected.
Schedules and Discounted Rates
Chamberlain Studios realizes the financial stress of unplanned expenses. For this reason, we are offering these camp days at a discounted rate from our regular camp.
Please see registration form for details.
Please let us know which dates you are interested in so we can plan for instructors. We will monitor the school schedules, and request payment the week before each camp.