Warrior Weekend 2023 was monumental, with:
- Fourteen mudansha (white through brown belt) students promoted to their next rank
- Five students promoted to Gasan Ryu Shodan (1st degree black belt)
- Two students promoted to Karazenpo Goshinjutsu Shodan
- Seven Shodans promoted to Nidan (2nd degree black belt) and the title of Sensei
- Three Nidan Senseis were promoted to Sandan (3rd degree black belt)
- Sensei Greg Fountain was promoted to Godan (5th degree black belt) and the title of Shihan
- Shihans Kevin Hooker and Mark Fountain were promoted to Rokudan (6th degree black belt).
We also mourned the loss of our ohana Sesnsei Steven Rountree, Sensei Jessie Hill, and Kiyoshi Takeushi, Kyoshi.
Thank you to everyone who flew in from other states. Congratulations to all!