Tag: adults

O-Soji 2022

O-Soji 2022

This Saturday, January 1, 2022, is our annual New Year’s Day workout and O-Soji, or big dojo cleaning starting at 11 am. This is our traditional start to the new year. We’ll clean the dojo together and have a special workout with Professor Chamberlain! Come join us!

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Challenge of the Week: Roundhouse Kicks!

Challenge of the Week: Roundhouse Kicks!

Announcing the Chamberlain Studios Challenge of the Week! Every Monday we’ll announce a new challenge and whoever wins the challenge gets a special prize! The challenge runs from Monday morning to end of day on Sunday and winners will be announced the following Monday. To enter the competition, take a video of your student completing the challenge and then tag…

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Saturday 3/21/20 Streaming Classes

Saturday 3/21/20 Streaming Classes

Our first online karate classes on Wednesday 3/18 went great!  Thank you to all of our students who participated and gave us great feedback!  We are excited to announce the next live streaming sessions on ZOOM – Saturday, 3/21! Here is the schedule of classes and the Zoom links for each class: 9a-9:30a – Kids Age 4-6 Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/149558765 9:45a…

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Introducing Streaming Karate Classes!

Introducing Streaming Karate Classes!

As we mentioned in our newsletter yesterday, Chamberlain Studios is thrilled to offer a new way to get additional martial arts training in if you are not able to make it in for classes. Since the city of Dallas has closed us down for the time being, this is a perfect time to get these going! Through these interactive online…

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Grandmaster Kailani Koa Comes to Chamberlain Studios!

Grandmaster Kailani Koa Comes to Chamberlain Studios!

We are honored to have the rare opportunity to welcome our good friend, the talented and wonderful: Grandmaster Kailani Koa! Grandmaster Koa will be visiting our dojo from the island of Maui on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 and will be offering a Traditional Hawaiian Hula Seminar for our friends and students (teens & adults). The class will be held at…

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Grandmaster Kailani Koa Teaches Hawaiian Martial Arts & Hula

Grandmaster Kailani Koa Teaches Hawaiian Martial Arts & Hula

We are honored to have the rare opportunity to welcome our good friend to the Love Field Dojo, the talented and wonderful: Grandmaster Kailani Koa! Professor Koa will be visiting our dojo from the island of Maui on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 and will be a Traditional Hawaiian Hula seminar for our friends and students (teens & adults). $30 per…

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