• April 20: Solar Girls and Solar Boys Carnivals – need leadership helpers!
  • April 21: Junior Black Belt and Kids Brown Belt Test – 10 am
  • April 26: Kids Belt test
  • April 27: Grappling for Adults and Leadership kids
  • April 30: Instructor Training
  • May 3: Ninja Camp as DISD is closed

Save the Date for Keepers of the Flame – June 21-23, 2024: Register Now!

Kids Junior Black Belt and Brown Belt Test
Sunday, April 21 @ 10am

Remember, you must be caught up on your journals and reports to test – AND complete a pretest. Your pretest will be during the regular belt test Friday March 22.

DO NOT wait until the last minute to help in classes and complete your reports.

Kids Belt test

Friday, April 26th
Lakewood Dojo

Leadership kids MUST be caught up on their journals and reports!


e are excited to bring back our Keepers of the Flame event this June!
Keepers of the Flame showcases the preservation of knowledge and traditions in the martial arts. This year, we are honored to train in Hawaiian Lua with Kumu Michelle Manu.

Kumu Michelle Manu

Kumu Michelle Manu is internationally known for her accomplishments as a 10th Degree Black Belt, Alihikaua (General), and Kumu Lua (teacher) of the indigenous Hawaiian cultural practice and martial art, the Lua (Kaihewalu and Manu lineages). Kumu Manu is currently the only high-ranking female teacher of this art and the only public representative of a Hawaiian woman warrior in over 200 years. She is presently the only woman to be given the designation of “Knight Commander” of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I (O’ahu Chapter), for her continued work in protecting, promoting, and perpetuating the Hawaiian culture through the Lua.

Keepers of the Flame 2024 Schedule:

Friday, June 21st – Sessions at LAKEWOOD DOJO:
Evening Session: 5:30-7:30pm

Saturday, June 22nd – Sessions at RIDGEWOOD REC CENTER:
Morning session – 10:30am-1pm – adults and CSSD leadership kids
Lunch – 1-2pm
Afternoon Session – 2-4:30pm adults only

Dinner at LAKEWOOD DOJO – 6:30-9:30pm

Sunday, June 23rd – Session at LAKEWOOD DOJO:
Morning session 8:30-10am
Coffee and pictures to follow.

Pricing –
$155 all 3 days seminars

$40 CSSD Leadership Kids (Sat morning session)
$35 Dinner – Kids price $25 (age 11 and under)
$23 shirt
$12 lunch (sandwich, drinks, chips)

That is $225 for everything! (3 days of Seminars, Lunch and Dinner Saturday, Shirt)
Register early to reserve your spot!


May 3
8:30am – 4 pm

DISD is closed for an unused inclement weather day, but we’re open!


May 28 – August 9
8:30am – 4 pm

Chamberlain Studios now has an App!

Active members can download the Spark Member app to easily access our curriculum videos and check in for classes!

Apple App Store

Android App Store

Leadership students!

Our next Leadership class is: Thursday,  May 2nd from 6:30 to 8 pm.

If you would like to assist at the belt tests, please contact Sensei Genevieve.