Here are photos from our Saturday adult class where we worked on grabs and Sensei Theresa’s birthday beatdown.

Here are photos from our Saturday adult class where we worked on grabs and Sensei Theresa’s birthday beatdown.
Here are pictures from our June 2024 Leadership class!
Here are highlights from our spring Junior Black and Brown Belt Test! These kids have all been with us since they were littles and have been working hard for years and years to get here. Congrats to everyone for ranking up and congrats to the Junior Black Belts of Spring 2024!
Here are pictures from our May 2024 Leadership class!
We had a lot of fun at the Dallas STEAM event, presented by Dallas Police Department Community Affairs. We helped kids (and some adults) learn to break some boards, and talked about awareness and safety, and the martial arts.
Here are some pictures from our Leadership class in April 2024 leadership class, where we worked on teaching weapons, weapons safety, and etiquette.
Here are photos from this month’s Instructor Training, where we get pedagogical about the martial arts.