Upcoming Events

Leadership Class & Meeting

The Leadership Program will meet on the first Thursday of every month (excluding January), from 6:30-8:00pm. CSSD students can join the leadership program at purple belt and at least 9 years of age, and all are expected to participate by the time they advance to the rank of blue belt. We will meet the 1st Thursday of every month to…

Leadership Class & Meeting

The Leadership Program will meet on the first Thursday of every month (excluding January), from 6:30-8:00pm. CSSD students can join the leadership program at purple belt and at least 9 years of age, and all are expected to participate by the time they advance to the rank of blue belt. We will meet the 1st Thursday of every month to…

Leadership Class & Meeting

The Leadership Program will meet on the first Thursday of every month (excluding January), from 6:30-8:00pm. CSSD students can join the leadership program at purple belt and at least 9 years of age, and all are expected to participate by the time they advance to the rank of blue belt. We will meet the 1st Thursday of every month to…