Upcoming Dojo Events

    • August 19th: Grappling
    • August 25th: Kids Belt Test
    • August 29th: Instructor Training

Changes to Lakewood Saturday Schedule Starting August 19th

Intermediate kids class (Orange to Purple Belts) is moving to 9:00 – 9:45am

Advanced kids class (Blue Belts and Up) will be 9:45 – 10:30am

Women’s Self Defense (if registered) will be 10:30-11:15am

Walnut Hill Schedule Changes in September!

Our Tuesday / Thursday classes will start later – 4:30 – shifting all of the classes a bit. See schedule below.

Tuesday / Thursday:
4:30-5:00pm  Little Kids (ages 4-6)

5:05-5:45pm  Big Kid Beginners

5:45-6:30pm Big Kid Intermediate / Advanced

6:45-7:45  Adults

After School Karate Registration is Open!

Our after school programs are listed here; you can scroll down to your school logo and register now! Classes will begin in September.

Families with students at multiple schools or students interested in classes in multiple places: please contact Sensei Genevieve with any questions and she will get you signed up correctly/ on the right rosters. 

Kids’ Belt Test – August 25th, 2023

Once your child has earned all 6 colored stripes on their belt (Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, White & Black), they will be invited by their instructor to test. If you have questions regarding your child’s readiness to test, please speak with your child’s primary instructor or send us a message at: Info@DallasKenpo.com

Remember that the Student Portal has video instruction for most curriculum techniques & kata (forms), and more are being added weekly. This is a great resource for your kids to review their skills before the test. Also, don’t forget to schedule their weekly 15min Online Private lessons!

Blue Stripe = Kata (forms)
Red Stripe = Punch Defenses
Green Stripe = Grab Defenses
Yellow Stripe = Weapon Defenses
White Stripe = Book Reports & Vocabulary
Black Stripe = Grappling

Chamberlain Studios now has an App!

Active members can download the Spark Member app to easily access our curriculum videos and check in for classes!

Apple App Store

Android App Store

Leadership students!

Our next Leadership class is: Thursday, September 7th from 6:30 to 8 pm.

If you would like to assist at the belt tests, please contact Sensei Genevieve.